The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Ukrainian ACM CWiC
ACM-W Celebration: Women Workshop on Educational Robotics, WeEDR2
Chilewic, an ACM celebration
womENcourage 2018 – “Creating the Future Together” ACM Celebration of Women in Computing
RusCWIC An ACM-W Celebration
Ibuprofen extends lifespan in many species including, maybe, human beings. Donna Strickland is the third women to win a Nobel prize in Physics. It appears that she won the prize for one 1985 article. Her scientific publications…
More from Vincent Granville in DSC on P-Values and their misuse. I recall the repeating experiments as a trick in an early statistical analysis course. perhaps this is more common in other areas, but never saw this kind of
John Sidles, Mike Roman, Matt Howell : please email me. at (my usual email)
I need to ask you about some comments you left on the blog a while back (or emailed me -- I forget which, but I can't find your emails…
Interesting view. Also to the extent it can be integrated with some measure, and prediction of risk. Classic approaches for risk analysis calculates likely, statistical views in a context we are operating in. The notion…
Clever, we are starting to see better collaboration between people and machines. Here a good example. Will kind of car augmentation delay complete self-driving? Note this is now in test, and requires the intersection to become…
In Forbes, this follows on some of my breadth points. Think of any technical roles being able to either be one of ... these roles or influence them.
Top 3 Roles Driving A Majority Of AI Projects in Cognitive World
in Forbes: …
A team of computational scientists from LBNL, ORNL, and engineers from NVIDIA has demonstrated an exascale-class deep learning application that has broken the exaop barrier for the first time ever. "Using a climate dataset from…
The American University of Sharjah (AUS) is seeking an HPC System Administrator in our Job of the Week. "American University of Sharjah (AUS) invites applications for an HPC System Administrator position commencing in the Spring…
This is an amazing short video of a squid -- I don't know the species -- changing its color instantly. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my…
Have always been interested in how resources are delivered, and a big part of that is how the resources are organized and classified for useful application.
Rethinking The Sales And Marketing Organization By Dave Brock in Customerthink…
OARnet recently joined several other regional and federal network organizations on a three-year, $3.5 million grant to help scientists more efficiently work with massive datasets that have become essential to modern scientific…
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released two new requests for comments on draft publications related to the Internet of Things (IoT). The first document addresses trust concerns within IoT, while…
In this special guest feature, SC18 Conference Chair Ralph A. McEldowney writes that HPC is now more crucial than ever to empower science for the benefit of humanity. "From hurricane and earthquake predictions to solving global…
Today D-Wave Systems announced the immediate availability of free, real-time access to the D‑Wave Leap Quantum Application Environment. Leap is the first cloud-based QAE providing real-time access to a live quantum computer.
Today AIC announced a world-record in data transfer: one petabyte in 29 hours encrypted data transfer, with data integrity checksum unconditionally enabled, over a distance of 5000 miles. The average transfer rate is 75Gbps,
Interesting research paper: "Fear the Reaper: Characterization and Fast Detection of Card Skimmers": Abstract: Payment card fraud results in billions of dollars in losses annually. Adversaries increasingly acquire card data using…
Abstract of good overview survey paper.
Commonsense Reasoning and Commonsense Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence
By Ernest Davis, Gary Marcus
Communications of the ACM, September 2015, Vol. 58 No. 9, Pages 92-103
Deep Machine Learning: GE And BP Will Connect Thousands Of Subsea Oil Wells To The Industrial Internet ...
That magic is also the idea behind a new partnership between BP and GE’s Intelligent Platforms unit. Next year, BP will…
Always looking for good open source data, especially for testing models. William Vorhies of of DSC talks this. Sources and links. Good examples:
Lots of Free Open Source Datasets to Make Your AI Better Posted by William…
If you google
you used to get the following: here
Please go there and notice how old they say I am.
Okay, you are back. You may have noticed that they say I am 68. Gee, I don't feel 68 (I feel younger).
I have…
Just reading. Well done. See Get the free book here.
The Threat Intelligence Handbook (108 pages)
A Practical Guide for Security Teams to
Unlocking the Power of Intelligence
Edited by Chris Pace
Makes lots of sense.
Ford asks for a common language for self-driving cars
It wants every car to signal its intentions the same way.
Jon Fingas, @jonfingas in Engadget
Ford has been developing its own means for self-driving cars
An indication that big enterprise are serious, a useful example.
Walmart Sets Blockchain Requirement for Greens Suppliers By CGT Staff
Walmart will require all suppliers of leafy green vegetables to its Sam’s Club and Walmart…
Noted conspiracy theorist John McAfee tweeted: The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones - giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone…
The Computing Research Association seeks a highly motivated individual to serve as a Deputy Director for the Computing Community Consortium. The Deputy Director works with the CCC Director, Council Members, and the CRA staff…