The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Paul Gillin has a nice blog blog post on learnings from the recent Web 2.0 summit. Paul does a good job in summarizing useful concepts from meetings that we can't all get to. Subscribe to his newsletter.
A press release providing much more information on the Junaio augmented reality browser. Am exploring on the IPhone, so far this is a good UI update for their capabilities. More on Junaio posted in this blog.
By two teenagers:
Mikalah uses Facebook but when she goes to log out, she deactivates her Facebook account. She knows that this doesn
From The Eponymous PickleConsensus for Research Data
This is of considerable interest to retail and marketing. In CACM:This past year was a census year in the U.S. We responded to arguably the most long-lived and broad-based gathering of domiciliary information about the American…
From Putting People FirstAnnouncing the IxDA Interaction Awards
Today, the Interaction Design Association (IxDA) announced the launch of the IxDA Interaction Awards, a first-of-its-kind awards program dedicated to celebrating global excellence in the discipline of Interaction Design. The…
From Putting People FirstReflecting on the book
I just finished reading Living with Complexity by Donald A. Norman (previously announced here) and consider an important contribution to our field, and this for three precise reasons. First, Norman has a huge reputation, also…
From Wild WebMinklinks for 2010-12-01
Community Bylaws – The Document Foundation LibreOffice hosts The Document Foundation have put together a set of bylaws for their new open-by-rule community and are looking for feedback. (tags: Governance Community Bylaws LibreOffice…
From Schneier on SecuritySoftware Monoculture
In 2003, a group of security experts -- myself included -- published a paper saying that 1) software monocultures are dangerous and 2) Microsoft, being the largest creator of monocultures out there, is the most dangerous. Marcus…
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred ThompsonDo We Need A New Teaching Programming Language
I saw some discussions lately about the need or lack of need for new programming languages. In once case especially for teaching programming. In general I think that new programming languages are a good idea. From time to time…
From BLOG@CACM2010 Seymour Cray and Sidney Fernbach Awards
This year, I again had the honor and privilege to chair the selection committee for the IEEE Seymour Cray and Sidney Fernbach awards, both of which were presented at SC10 in New Orleans. These eponymously named awards recognize…
From Putting People FirstBook: Designing Media by Bill Moggridge
Designing Media, the new book by Bill Moggridge, director of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and founder of IDEO, is now available in hard copy, as a DVD and as a downloadable pdf. Abstract Mainstream media, often known…
From Putting People FirstU DriveIT
Norden, the Nordic Innovation Center, has published the results of a research project between Denmark, Norway and Iceland, that explored the increasingly strong connection between ICT and user-driven innovation in those countries…
From The Eponymous PickleSpatial Analysis Techniques in R
What looks to be a good course in using the R statistics language for spatial analysis problems. " ... Topics covered include point pattern analysis, identifying clusters, measures of spatial association, geographically weighted…
From The Eponymous PickleCuration Nation
In Adage: On the concept of a curation nation. It has been that way for a long time, the best things are passed along to me by readers. My readership appreciates me passing along things that I know they are interested in. …
From Michael NielsenHow hard is space travel, in principle?
Our Earth-based intuitions about the difficulty of travelling long distances break down badly in space. It’s tempting to think that just because Saturn, say, is nearly 4,000 times further away than the moon, it must be 4,000…
From The Eponymous PickleNeedlebase: Data Gathering and Visualzation Tool
In Readwriteweb: " ... Needlebase, a great new point-and-click tool for extracting, sorting and visualizing data from across pages around the web. I've been using it for all kinds of things and now you can too. When we first,…