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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2018

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

HLF 2018 Comes to an End

HLF 2018 Comes to an End

The 6th annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum ended with a tour, reception, and lovely dinner at Heidelberg Castle. It was a time for reflection and celebration for an amazing once-in-a-lifetime week for the students. As a journalist…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alibaba and AI

Alibaba and AI

More from China on their process

Why Alibaba is betting big on AI chips and quantum computing
Meet the man behind Alibaba’s gamble on emerging tech.   by Yiting Sun

During the opening ceremony of Alibaba’s 2018 computing conference…

From The Noisy Channel

Query Understanding, Divided into Three Parts

Query Understanding, Divided into Three Parts

Julius Caesar started his famous text on the Gallic wars with the sentence “Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres.

Like Gaul, query understanding is, as a whole, divided into three parts:

Holistic understanding of the query …

From insideHPC

STULZ and Cloud&Heat team up with Watercooled Micro Data Center

STULZ and Cloud&Heat team up with Watercooled Micro Data Center

Today STULZ announced a new strategic partnership with Cloud&Heat Technologies, a specialist in energy-efficient, scalable and reliable data centers. As part of this new technical and sales alliance, the hot water direct cooling…

From insideHPC

Video: Panel Discussion on Innovation in HPC

Video: Panel Discussion on Innovation in HPC

In this video from the HPC User Forum in Detroit, Earl Joseph from Hyperion Research moderates a panel discussion on Innovation in HPC. "Hyperion Research sponsors the annual HPC and ROI Innovation Awards to recognize noteworthy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk: Improving Online Conversations

Talk: Improving Online Conversations

Interesting application idea.   Improving conversation is a great idea.  But I have often seen related approaches to essentially define 'good', as agreeing with me.   Will this be able to temper interaction to make it meaningful…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP and Ethical Use of AI

SAP and Ethical Use of AI

SAP Publishes their ethics of AI:

Solve complex societal problems with artificial intelligence

SAP focuses on developing artificial intelligence (AI) to improve people’s lives by helping protect the environment and build fairer…

From insideHPC

NVIDIA DGX-2 AI Supercomputer Sets Records for Training and Inference

NVIDIA DGX-2 AI Supercomputer Sets Records for Training and Inference

NVIDIA has one-upped performance breakthroughs announced earlier this year, thanks to two new technologies. Related to data augmentation and tensor parameter interleaving, these technologies enabled a single Tesla V100 GPU to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Scaling Knowledge

Scaling Knowledge

Interesting question.   Ultimately we must scale to operation.  What are the challenges?  In part the knowledge within the org charts, and what are the implications for decision makers.

Scaling Knowledge
The hardest thing about…

From insideHPC

300K-Core SuperMUC-NG System Launches at LRZ in Germany

300K-Core SuperMUC-NG System Launches at LRZ in Germany

LRZ in Germany dedicated their new SuperMUC-NG (“next generation”) supercomputer last week in Munich. Built by Lenovo, the massive system uses innovative hot-water cooling to achieve unprecedented computational power for large…

From Schneier on Security

Facebook Is Using Your Two-Factor Authentication Phone Number to Target Advertising

Facebook Is Using Your Two-Factor Authentication Phone Number to Target Advertising

From Kashmir Hill: Facebook is not content to use the contact information you willingly put into your Facebook profile for advertising. It is also using contact information you handed over for security purposes and contact information…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Army Looks to Train with VR

Army Looks to Train with VR

Another example of VR training:

Magic Leap is Bidding on an Army Combat Contract
Microsoft has also expressed interest in providing augmented reality equipment for the battlefield

By Joshua Brustein in Bloomberg

Magic Leap Inc. is…

From Computational Complexity

Muffin Math

Lance: It's Friday afternoon and the Dagstuhl workshop has ended. We have some time before we need take off so how about one final typecast.

Bill: Always a good idea.

Lance: First the exciting news, Nitin Saxena won the Shanti…

From insideHPC

SC18 Exhibits Selling Out

SC18 Exhibits Selling Out

Today SC18 announced record exhibit sales for the conference, which takes place Nov. 11-16 in Dallas. "We are thrilled that so many new companies will be exhibiting at SC18,” says Christy Adkinson, SC18 Exhibits Chair from Cray…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

AI and The Need for More Research

AI and The Need for More Research

Last Thursday, Politico held an AI Summit: Innovation and Governance as “a global leadership gathering of policymakers, business leaders and experts for solutions-driven conversations on the impact of AI on governments, industries…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Expands test of Pickup only Store

Wal-Mart Expands test of Pickup only Store

Not a new thing.  In the 90s was pitched to look at what amounted to a highly efficient warehouse attached to a parking pickup drive-through.    Being set up, not by a major retailer, to test a similar concept.  You were informed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quorum Based Computation

Quorum Based Computation

More approaches being developed for Smart Contracts.  Seems still under development.

What is Qubic?  (Much more here about the development)

In short: Qubic began life as as an initialism-turned-acronym, QBC, which stands for quorum…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Inventory Problem Using Machine Learning

Inventory Problem Using Machine Learning

As a long time supply chain optimizer and design hack, this intrigued me.  And the pattern by product type interested me too.

Machine learning: A solution to backorder problem and inventory optimisation   Posted by PS Dhillon


From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Computational Scientist at American University of Sharjah

Job of the Week: HPC Computational Scientist at American University of Sharjah

The American University of Sharjah (AUS) is seeking an HPC Computational Scientist in our Job of the Week. The American University of Sharjah (AUS) invites applications for an HPC computational scientist position commencing in…

From insideHPC

ISC 2019 Seeking Research Paper Submissions

ISC 2019 Seeking Research Paper Submissions

Submissions are now open for ISC 2019 Research Paper Sessions. These sessions aim to provide first-class opportunities for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present their work in the area of high…

From insideHPC

Radio Free Noodles on Remarkable in Growth in the HPC Server Market

Radio Free Noodles on Remarkable in Growth in the HPC Server Market

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at remarkable growth in the HPC Server Market reported by Hyperion Research. "Hyperion Research reports that worldwide factory revenue for the HPC technical server market jumped …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bots Changing the Way we Buy

Bots Changing the Way we Buy

Thoughts on bots and buying.    Curation comes up.  It also works with things as 'simple' as search.    You freely initiated it, but it also has curation in mind.

How Will AI Bots Change the Way We Buy Consumer Products? I Shop…


What Turing and Church Left Out

What Turing and Church Left Out

Concurrency control for readers and writers in a database is a classic problem that illustrates the power of message passing.

From insideHPC

Democratizing High Performance Computing: HPC Clusters — When you Need Them, How You Need Them and Where You Need Them

Democratizing High Performance Computing: HPC Clusters — When you Need Them, How You Need Them and Where You Need Them

HPC Clusters

This sponsored post from Amazon Web Services’ Bala Thekkedath unpacks how deploying HPC clusters in the cloud gives you the freedom to get started when you want, and with the resources you want.  

The post Democratizing HighinsideHPC…

From Schneier on Security

More on the Five Eyes Statement on Encryption and Backdoors

More on the Five Eyes Statement on Encryption and Backdoors

Earlier this month, I wrote about a statement by the Five Eyes countries about encryption and back doors. (Short summary: they like them.) One of the weird things about the statement is that it was clearly written from a law-enforcement…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Question Bursts

Question Bursts

Never liked classic brainstorming, here a somewhat different take.  Its on the list to try

Here's How 'Question Bursts Make Better Brainstorms
Tempering Your Urge to Give all the Answers can Lead to better ones.  By Tom Relihan

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