The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Today Bright Computing announced that its Bright partner Data In Science Technologies has successfully implemented Bright Cluster Manager 8.1 for Fayetteville State University. "Bright Cluster Manager is the obvious choice for…
In this keynote video from ISC 2018, Physicist and CTO of CERN openlab discusses the demands of capturing, storing, and processing the large volumes of data generated by the LHC experiments. "CERN openlab is a unique public-private…
Is an AR demo better than the real thing? with discussion by Matthew Stern in Retailwire
Trying out a toy in-store can get kids excited about the product. And once kids are interested in a toy, they can be very effective in…
We don't know if this is error or deliberate action, but five backdoors have been discovered already this year....
Not sure this is as big as they say. Similar to privacy concerns, if clear value is shown up front, people are willing to take some risk.
What can retailers do about consumer’s AI concerns? in Retailwire.
While consumers are…