The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Items in the April issue of Communications of the ACM that have policy relevance. Remember, much of the material in CACM is considered premium content. You will need to be a member of ACM or a subscriber to CACM in order to …
Now that I'm working at Microsoft Research, I'm doing a bit more public/academic speaking, but I've done a terrible job of announcing where and when. So let me take a moment to list some of the upcoming talks in the next four…
Industry sources say that only two bidders made it through the diligence process willing to submit a bid: Rackable, and a group of creditors, and that Rackable has the winning bid at this point. We posted at the beginning of…
In SASCom Voices: Dan Ariely on experimentation and measurement. Always an important issue.
Cray has announced that it has expanded its global set of resellers of the popular CX-1 deskside unit. We are pleased with the progress we are making with the Cray CX1 deskside supercomputer. Expanding our worldwide reseller…
The Plenitude Creativity, Innovation, and Making Stuff Rich Gold Foreword by John Maeda MIT Press, September 2007 We live with a lot of stuff. The average kitchen, for example, is home to stuff galore, and every appliance, every…
The Newspaper Association of America (NAA) Foundation has published a report on a study on how teenagers use news sites. “The NAA Foundation and the Media Management Center at Northwestern University have teamed up to explore…
Panasas announced today a new partnership with Dell aimed at developing integrated compute and storage solutions for the life-sciences market.
Recent Experientia collaborator and emerging markets expert Niti Bhan, who is currently based in Helsinki, Finland (where we met her yesterday), is involved with several interesting user-centred research projects on Bottom of…
The 2009 International Supercomputing Conference (held this year June 23-26 in Hamburg, Germany) has announced its slate of four keynote addresses Tuesday, June 23: Andreas
Two days ago, President Obama set the remarkably ambitious goal of spending 3% of the US gross domestic product on basic and applied science research. If achieved, this level of investment would be the greatest in US history.…
I actually feel bad for Stephen Wolfram. After all the weeks of hype leading up to his public demonstration of Wolfram Alpha at Harvard this afternoon, Google upstaged him by releasing Google Public Data today. Catty? Perhaps…
I actually feel bad for Stephen Wolfram. After all the weeks of hype leading up to his public demonstration of Wolfram Alpha at Harvard this afternoon, Google upstaged him by releasing Google Public Data today. Catty? Perhaps…
According to Nielsen News Wire only about 40% of the system's users comes back the following month. More stats at the site with overdone curve fitting. Twitter has had big growth in the last year, but this kind of stat may…
Overview of work done by Neurofocus on the reaction of consumers to coupons and promotions. Multiple biometrics techniques used. Analyzing print and online coupons. In the Neuroscience marketing blog.
MSN Money via the Inquirer: Apple has hired graphics wizard Bob Drebin away from AMD’s graphics group.
Mark C. Taylor is quickly becoming famous for his New York Times piece End the University as We Know It.
Back in February we covered a challenge issued by the Climate Savers Computing Initiative to encourage universities reduce pollution by powering down campus computers. From that story
Yesterday President Obama announced the full membership of his President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology (PCAST). This is an advisory body that works with the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to…
eWeek has posted an article on the latest progress made within the camp of Penguin Computing.
I read this book by Simson Garfinkel when it first came out. It's still very relevant. At its core, it asserts that treating identity…
PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, is sponsoring two summer workshops to be held at CSC Finland and CSCS Switzerland as part of a series of code-porting workshops the group is presenting in 2009. The first…
IBM will be opening a number of global analytics centers and hire or retrain 4,000 analytics professionals. They seem to be serious. Press release.
Appro announecd today that the Rice University Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology has purchased an Appro HyperGreen Cluster solution.
Earlier this month, the Butte-MT-based National Center for Health Care Informatics signed an agreement with the US Air Force to produce advanced computer-simulated training environments.
Last week Intel launched a new website to promote the advantages of its Cluster Ready program. Here is what Intel’s Chip Shots site has to say about the launch Intel launched Cluster Connection, an online community that enables…
From an article late last week at CSO Online, news that Cisco CEO John Chambers is optimistic about the future of cloud computing (which is good given his company’s recent UCS announcement), and realistic about the infrastructure…
Found at HPCwire, news of NSF awards late last week to support academic use of the CluE program [The] National Science Foundation announced it has awarded nearly five million dollars in grants to fourteen universities through…
The folks over at the Sun HPC Watercooler have led us over to a great video on the topic of Lustre scalability.