The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Sunnyvale, Calif. – July 28, 2021 – NTT Research, Inc., a division of NTT (TYO:9432), today announced that it has entered a joint research agreement with The University of Tokyo’s International Research Center for Neurointelligence…
AUSTIN – July 28, 2021 – Authors of a groundbreaking Silicon Integration Initiative white paper identifying a common data model as the most critical need to accelerate artificial intelligence and machine learning in semiconductor…
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $7.7 million in funding for 11 studies to improve understanding of earth system predictability and DOE’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) climate model. Funding totals…
Washington, DC, July 28, 2021 — The U.S. National Science Foundation has officially appointed Karen Marrongelle to serve as chief operating officer. Since 2018, she has led the NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources…
I mentioned that we proposed drone and robotic swarms for industrial trials way back, Now we are seeing the same kind of thing in shows that replace fireworks. Such as in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. For spectacular…
Always looking for data, and thus for good sensors. We often used these for plant systems. Now smartphones give the opportunity for better portable applications Here a thermal sensor. Ultimately such IOTs will become very…
Some of my work now examines systems security and related issues. The system mentioned below covers 'Process Hacker', a system that detects and notifies you when background services are added to your systems. This is an 'expert'…
A teenager on an airplane sent a photo of a replica gun via AirDrop to everyone who had their settings configured to receive unsolicited photos from strangers. This caused a three-hour delay as the plane — still at the gate —…
Juny 28, 2021 — The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has announced the selection of Dr. Frances (Fran) Hill as co-chair of the ECP Industry and Agency Council (IAC). She is chief scientist for the High Performance Computing Modernization…
Much of my early work in the enterprise dealt with predicting maintenance in plant systems. So this article is of interest. Mckinsey's take, reasonable. Can in particular agree it makes sense to capture lots of time based…
Taking a look at this, Alexa has not had enough children's voice learning skills
Bamboo Learning Launches Comprehensive Educational Alexa Skill By Eric Hal Schwartz in
Voice-based educational technology startup Bamboo…Quite interesting, but my guess, if something like this sees much use, will be heavily regulated. Below intro, more at the link.
By Sandrine Ceurstemont, Commissioned by CACM Staff in CACM
People are not…This is important:
Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill was general secretary of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), effectively the highest-ranking priest in the US who is not a bishop, before records of Grindr usage obtained…Last month, Agnès Boudot, SVP, head of HPC & Quantum at Atos, told us — without sharing details — that the company’s global strategy includes expansion into the U.S. market. At least part of that strategy was revealed today with…
More moves forward in Quantum Computing:
IBM and the University of Tokyo Unveil Japan's Most Powerful Quantum Computer in PRNewsWire
TOKYO, July 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) and the University of Tokyo today unveiled…PALO ALTO — PsiQuantum has raised $450 million in Series D funding to build what the company said will be the world’s first commercially viable quantum computer. The funding round was led by BlackRock, along with participation…
HANOVER, N.H. – Funded by a $2.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Dartmouth Engineering Professor Geoffroy Hautier will lead a three-year, multi-institutional effort to identify qbits, a basic unit of quantum…
The Computing Research Association (CRA) seeks a full-time employee to join our team as a Senior Program Associate for the CRA Industry standing committee (CRA-Industry). CRA-Industry is a newly formed standing committee that…
Long time involved in auction protocols. So this interested me. Not quite sure how it would work in contexts, but intriguing. Technical.
Optimal Auctions Through Deep Learning By Paul Dütting, Zhe Feng, Harikrishna Narasimhan…In my previous blog entry, I discussed how when each person or corporation maximizes their individual interests, it can easily end up with most of…
L’article Bringing future societal impact into present incentives est apparuYoshua…JULY 26, 2021 – A team of Argonne scientists has leveraged artificial intelligence to train computers to keep up with the massive amounts of X-ray data taken at the Advanced Photon Source. Scientists are using artificial intelligence…
A free available application.
Web-based design tool for better job safety
Research News / July 01, 2021 Fraunhofer
The safety of people interacting with robots has top priority, especially when humans and robots are working side…An approach that's already being used for some kinds of encrypted transmission. Here is a largely non technical explanation using Bell's Theorem.
How Bell’s Theorem Proved ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Is Real
The root of today…Intel Corporation today announced what it said is one of the company’s most detailed process and packaging technology roadmaps, showcasing a series of “foundational innovations that will power products through 2025 and beyond…
Some notes about how this might work. Think its inevitable that we will have many kinds of IOTs delivering AI. Further how we can ensure these devices getting security updates.
A Battery-Free Internet of Things, By Esther…Interesting research: “EvilModel: Hiding Malware Inside of Neural Network Models”.
Abstract: Delivering malware covertly and detection-evadingly is critical to advanced malware campaigns. In this paper, we present a method that…King’s College London is using the Nvidia-based Cambridge-1 supercomputer to build AI models to generate synthetic brain images by learning from tens of thousands of MRI brain scans taken of patients of various ages and with
Registration is now open for the September HPC User Forum, which will be presented virtually. Attendees can register at the HPC User Forum website or directly here. There will be two sessions per day for a total of six sessions…
Have always been told, in essence, that this is a bad way to go. Better keep everything visible, and open, expose it to as many expert hackers as possible to examine and test it, to expose any problems. Though we have had…
New to me, a useful description here.
Fixing the Internet By Keith Kirkpatrick
Video description:
Communications of the ACM, August 2021, Vol. 64 No. 8, Pages 16-17 10.1145/3469287
Few people pay…