The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
XRDS Staff
Diana Lynn MacLeanIn the U.S., although medical records contain patient information, medical providers---including hospitals---own all patient records, which can be shared with insurance companies, pharmacies, researchers, and…
Numair Khan
Claudia Schulz
Jay Patel
Finn Kuusisto
Marinka Zitnik
Remember visiting HP Autonomy in the UK in the 90s. Was impressed what they showed us. Analytics being used with AI and Bayesian methods. First time I had seen these approaches being used with real corporate data. proposeddue…
In Gizmag:Designed for the commercial aviation market and for the Clearvision EFVS family, Skylens is a lightweight wearable device consisting of a visor large enough to fit easily over the pilot’s glasses that displays high-resolution…
Experientia has now its own Twitter feed. Four months of Putting People First posts and other links have already been uploaded. If you followed Experientia on Twitter through the feed of its CEO, Mark Vanderbeeken, make sure…
Leslie Bradshaw, managing parter of Made by Many, describes Americans’ shifting value systems. “Young people have redefined success, and their new definition values experience over possession. The word “experience” may sound…
In the CACM: More simply put, it's about people and their tools. Now smart tools that are getting smarter. And unexpectedly, new forms of autonomy are emerging too. A lengthy and interesting piece on the topic. " ... We call…
Originally posted on Meshed Insights & Knowledge:Samsung shuts down ChatOn – CNet – If only there was a way for their customers to uninstall their impotent self-defence against Google. EU software procurement breaches rules more…
Some politicians seem to act as if “terrorism” means a terrible crime committed by someone who doesn’t fit the speaker’s own racial & religious profile. Just because something induces terror in some or many people, that doesn…
In BiCorner: A recent meeting made it clear that enterprises are seeing the Hadoop ecosystem this way. Was surprising to me. Very good introduction to that ecosystem as it exists today and why that matters.
Experimented with the behavior influence of shelf displays. They can provide information and engage. Here is a new example:" .. Display Solution, based in Gilching, Bavaria, Germany, is a leading developer and marketer of customized…
Computing education can't be about jobs. It has to be about schools to reach everyone.
Blockchains. This was new to me, then heard it mentioned several times on one week. " ... The blockchain is a new organizing paradigm for the discovery, transfer, and recording of all quanta (discrete units) of anything, and…
In McKinsey. On big data and manufacturing. Talked that just yesterday with an enterprise. It is clearly a challenge. Lots of unstructured data is common. It becomes unusable quickly. But they understand it can be used to…
In Adage: Study Uses Data to Track Consumer Emotions When They Buy ... But Is Self-Reported Emotional Data Useful for Marketers?
“Technology and business organizations often default to a positivist worldview and subsequently believe that quantitative results that provide numeric measures have the most value,” writes Bill Sellman, Lead User Researcher on…
In Fastcocreate. Coversations come after you established a narrative.Striking up conversations isn't enough for social media marketing, Bob Deutsch writes. Marketers need to think in terms of the narratives they're building…
Earlier today several people told me that my name was referenced on SlashDot. Specifically it was in reference to me calling programming a super power in a post on my old blog back in 2010. The post on SlashDot said that theremember…
Impressive. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....
Earlier this month, a mysterious group that calls itself Guardians of Peace hacked into Sony Pictures Entertainment's computer systems and began revealing many of the Hollywood studio's best-kept secrets, from details about unreleased…
Computer Science Week has been around for about seven years now. In the early years I think most of us didn’t really know how to deal with it. There was talk about doing things similar what what other subjects did for special…
Flowingdata picks a number of examples. Not the most simple, but some of the most pleasing and artistic examples that are worth a look. As he notes, his examples are interactive, animated or both. I agree, this is our direction…
An AI rival to understand: Sentient: With some emphasis on big data and genetic methods. And the direct use of biomimicry through the use of genetic algorithms, an area we experimented in." ... Sentient was inspired becauseHe…
Newly discovered, note mention of organizational futuresThinking in new ways about the futureUnderstanding change implications, exploring possible organisational futures, choosing proactive responses today. If you're ready to…
There are security vulnerability in the phone-call routing protocol called SS7. The flaws discovered by the German researchers are actually functions built into SS7 for other purposes -- such as keeping calls connected as users…