The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is seeking a Science Writer and Communications Specialist in our Job of the Week. "This person will lead ECP writing efforts and coordinate additional services of US Department of Energy (DOE) lab…
SC17 General Chair Bernd Mohr introduced the theme of the upcoming conference with these fine words: "One connection can change your life. Our community is making millions of connections every day: by bringing together people…
In Inc:
5 Simple Habits of Strong Networkers
Implement these habits, and you'll go from sweaty-palmed to self-assured. By Kat Boogaard
Fairly obvious, but worth repeating, am always surprised when I discover people that do not network…
I was an early adopter of LinkedIn. As one of the first 50K people to join the platform in 2003, I started blogging about it in 2008 and…
According to a Harris poll, 39% of Americans would give up sex for a year for perfect computer security: According to an online survey among over 2,000 U.S. adults conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of Dashlane, the leader in…
The other day, I did an interview for the Yours Productly podcast where I talk about startups, product design, coming up with startup ideas, minimal viable products, learning, writing, and more. Below, you can find the link…
The other day, I did an interview for the Yours Productly podcast where I talk about startups, product design, coming up with startup ideas, minimal viable products, learning, writing, and more. Below, you can find the link…
Gamification of University-level courses is becoming a common practice, as many professors decide to try offering their students a more engaging learning environment. Nevertheless, we still do not have a clear idea on how individual…
An unexpected application. Blockchain in retail compliance. In Engadget:
Walmart tries using blockchain to take unsafe food off shelves
It could pull bacteria-laden produce before you have a chance to buy it. by Jon Fingas …
My writing about the famous coffee pot Webcam, and its internet of things implications, reminded me of work we did looking at the output of public webcams as data sources for shopping traffic and activity. Different than the…
Another look at an old idea. Been connected with a half dozen attempts. Will augmented reality tech finally make this work? See my tags below for more examples.
Augmented Beauty: MakeupPlus Allows Users To Try New Looks In …
So what is the best way? Advertisements? Blogs? Twitter Streams? Have been operating with all of these for some time, but what is engaging and efficient? Using which components? Is it really just education? Good breakdown…
Just completed teaching a course at Columbia University on Change Management in Analytics. Used some thoughts from this article. Good thoughts.
Overcome Resistance to Change by Enlisting the Right People
Todd Warner, September…
Today Cycle Computing announced that Dell EMC will offer its software and services as an option with Dell EMC HPC Systems.
Today Silicon Mechanics announced the opening of the 6th Annual Research Cluster Grant (RCG) program. "We hope you will consider this opportunity to support your research by submitting a proposal or by forwarding this to others…
Dick and I will be on Sunday’s game telecast Business Insider source Magnus Carlsen of Norway and Sergey Karjakin of Russia are midway through their world championship match in New York City. The match is organized by Agon Limited…
Search queries are made up of characters. It’s easy to take characters for granted; indeed, people who have never implemented a search…
I mentioned this Stanford study when it came out. Worth the read. Now Fast Company takes a closer look. 'Try' is the operative word. Long view is right, with some interesting but hard to calibrate forecasts.
Robots Won't…
Timothy Chou writes:
" ... On the heels of the successful Minds+Machines 2016, the IoT Institute has launched a class, which uses my new book, Precision, as the textbook. It's online, video, easy-to-consume and complimentary…
In this video from SC16, Steve Conway from IDC moderates a panel discussion on Precision Medicine. "Recently, DOE Secretary Moniz, VA Secretary MacDonald, NCI Director Lowy and the GSK CEO Andrew Witty announced that the Nation…
"Huawei's new-generation FusionServer X6000 HPC platform, based on the Intel Scalable System Framework, provides the balanced performance, scalability, and flexibility to efficiently handle a wide range of HPC workloads," said…
A friend, who works in home health care, sent me a note about the Paro Therapeutic Robot. She saw it live and was impressed. Comes out of work in Japan, where related work in eldercare has been going on for decades.
PARO Therapeutic…
Recommender Systems: Beyond Matrix Completion/Abstract
By Dietmar Jannach, Paul Resnick, Alexander Tuzhilin, Markus Zanker
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 59 No. 11, Pages 94-102
Abstract: The use of recommender systems…
Re-using chip designs to perform the methods used for AI applications. Now new chip designs are in play.
Intel Looks to a New Chip to Power the Coming Age of AI
Microsoft Researchers recently built an artificially intelligent
A professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University, Dan Ariely relentlessly examines our assumptions about ourselves—and finds they’re often totally misconstrued. We think, for example, that money is our main…
Squid catch is down, so fisherman are trying to sell more processed product. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....
It has long been a challenge to connect coffee machines to the internet. Something comfortable.about making coffee available reliably at all times and letting us know it. Even inspiring the worlds first webcam in 1991. Now…
This is pretty amazing: International customers and users of disposable or prepaid phones are the people most affected by the software. But the scope is unclear. The Chinese company that wrote the software, Shanghai Adups Technology…
I ran into a couple of images with messages about programming today. One I think is useful. The other I think is the opposite of useful. The first one is cute.
2016 has been a year of setbacks and challenges for me, including being ousted as executive director of CERIAS. Rather than dwell on those issues, I have tried to stay focused on the future and move forward. Thankfully, somelast…