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authorBruce Schneier

AI Will Write Complex Laws
From Schneier on Security

AI Will Write Complex Laws

Artificial intelligence (AI) is writing law today. This has required no changes in legislative procedure or the rules of legislative bodies—all it takes is onelegislatures...

AI Mistakes Are Very Different from Human Mistakes
From Schneier on Security

AI Mistakes Are Very Different from Human Mistakes

Humans make mistakes all the time. All of us do, every day, in tasks both new and routine. Some of our mistakes are minor and some are catastrophic. Mistakes can...

Biden Signs New Cybersecurity Order
From Schneier on Security

Biden Signs New Cybersecurity Order

President Biden has signed a new cybersecurity order. It has a bunch of provisions, most notably using the US governments procurement power to improve cybersecurity...

Friday Squid Blogging: Opioid Alternatives from Squid Research
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Opioid Alternatives from Squid Research

Is there nothing that squid research can’t solve? “If you’re working with an organism like squid that can edit genetic information way better than any other organism...

Social Engineering to Disable iMessage Protections
From Schneier on Security

Social Engineering to Disable iMessage Protections

I am always interested in new phishing tricks, and watching them spread across the ecosystem. A few days ago I started getting phishing SMS messages with a new...

FBI Deletes PlugX Malware from Thousands of Computers
From Schneier on Security

FBI Deletes PlugX Malware from Thousands of Computers

According to a DOJ press release, the FBI was able to delete the Chinese-used PlugX malware from “approximately 4,258 U.S.-based computers and networks.” Details...
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