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authorDaniel Lemire

Thread-safe memory copy
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Thread-safe memory copy

A common operation in software is the copy of a block of memory. In C/C++, we often call the function memcpy for this purpose. But what happens if, while you are...

Programmer time and the pitfalls of wasteful work
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Programmer time and the pitfalls of wasteful work

Programmer time is precious. This realization should shape our approach to software development, focusing our efforts on tasks that genuinely contribute to theContinue...

Regular expressions can blow up!
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Regular expressions can blow up!

Regular expressions, often abbreviated as regex, are a powerful tool for pattern matching within text. For example, the expression \d*\.?\d+ would match a positive...

Checking whether an ARM NEON register is zero
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Checking whether an ARM NEON register is zero

Your phone probably runs on 64-bit ARM processors. These processors are ubiquitous: they power the Nintendo Switch, they power cloud servers at both Amazon AWSContinue...
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