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From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Parity Games

August EditionA quasipolynomial-time algorithm for a long standing open problem. Yes, we have two of them this decade.Deciding Parity Games in Quasi-polynomialCristian...

From Computational Complexity

My Quantum Summer

Rendering of PsiQuantum's facility in Chicago I wasn't looking for quantum this summer but it found me. At various events I ran into some of the most recognized...

From Computational Complexity

The Levin Translation

Earlier this summer I attended a Celebration for Leonid Levin who recently turned 75. To prepare my talk I wanted to go back to Levin's 1971 two-page Russian masterpiece...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Random Oracles

July EditionThis months favorite theorem is a circuit result that implies the polynomial-time hierarchy is infinite relative to a random oracle, answering an open...
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