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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorMichael Mitzenmacher

New Harry Lewis Opinion at HuffPo
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New Harry Lewis Opinion at HuffPo

Harry Lewis has a new opinion piece up at Huffington Post. The title,Larry Summers, Robert Rubin : Will The Harvard Shadow Elite Bankrupt The University And The...

Visiting Dartmouth for a Research Symposium
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Visiting Dartmouth for a Research Symposium

I spent the day at Dartmouth, as I was asked to be "keynote speaker" for their Computer Science Annual Research Symposium. Essentially, it's their own mini-conference...

New Paper: Information Asymmetries in Pay-Per-Bid Auctions
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New Paper: Information Asymmetries in Pay-Per-Bid Auctions

I'm happy to announce a new paper that answers, among other questions, how I spent a huge chunk of my winter holiday break. The paper is by me, John Byers, and...

How Much Grading Should Professors Do?
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How Much Grading Should Professors Do?

One of the outcomes of the Harvard budget crisis is that the budget for Teaching Assistants has been brought into line. At Harvard, we've been ridiculously spoiled...

New Year's Again
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New Year's Again

It's time for the annual New Year posting. Last year, I talked about the potential power of affirmations -- in the sense of thinking about concrete goals you hope...

New Result : Tight Asymptotic Bounds for the Deletion Channel with Small Deletion Probabilities
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New Result : Tight Asymptotic Bounds for the Deletion Channel with Small Deletion Probabilities

Posting will be light over winter break, in part because so little is going on, but more because I'm busy working on papers for upcoming deadlines. I'll describe...

Text-book Algorithms at SODA (Guest Post, Mikkel Thorup)
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Text-book Algorithms at SODA (Guest Post, Mikkel Thorup)

Mikkel Thorup sent in the following guest post:Text-book algorithms at SODAThis is a pitch for promoting good text-book algorithms at SODA. Erdos promoted book...

Avoiding Travel
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Avoiding Travel

I'm spending the morning as part of the committee for a thesis defense over in Europe. I'm watching the talk over Skype; we're using a conference call for sound...

LiveBlogging NSDI PC Meeting
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LiveBlogging NSDI PC Meeting

My post today is live-blogging the NSDI PC Meeting -- with a delay for security purposes, of course.My take on the reviews (and from past experience) is that the...

Harvard Governance
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Harvard Governance

Harry Lewis (and Fred Abernathy) take a stand against the Harvard Corporation. Required reading for anyone associated with Harvard, or interested in its current...

News Items
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News Items

The people at Microsoft Research New England are excited to announce that Boaz Barak will be joining them. I imagine the situation is similar to their hiring of...

TSA Oops
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TSA Oops

You may have heard on the news that the TSA (temporarily) put up their Screening Management Standard Operating Procedure on the web. As pointed out on this blog...

Faculty Ratios
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Faculty Ratios

Perhaps the most basic breakdown one can make of a college faculty is into the categories Natural Sciences / Social Sciences / Humanities. (Yes, one could naturally...

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No, not for me. But Harvard has announced its plans to encourage faculty to retire. I won't call it an "early retirement" package, since it is for people over...

Tight Thresholds for Cuckoo Hashing via XORSAT
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Tight Thresholds for Cuckoo Hashing via XORSAT

As I promised sometime back, we now have a paper (up on the arxiv) giving the thresholds for cuckoo hashing, a problem that had been open and was part of my survey...

4-Year Masters
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4-Year Masters

Harvard, like many other places, has an option by which students (with "Advanced Standing" from AP classes) can obtain a Master's (in some programs) as well as...

In Reverse
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In Reverse

The Crimson is reporting that the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences will plan to decrease the size of the faculty* in response to budget woes. The key point...

Job Advice?
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Job Advice?

Not for me, thank goodness. A very talented graduating senior (who may or may not be Harvard...) has obtained a number of job offers, and asked me if I had any...

Conference Reviewing Update
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Conference Reviewing Update

A few weeks ago, I talked about the reviewing process for NSDI and LATIN. I suppose now is a reasonable time for an update.LATIN is nearing the end of the reviewing...

From My Biased Coin


This post is about surveys. It's motivated by one of my tasks last night, as I has to spend some time going over the final proofs for the survey Hash-Based Techniques...
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