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On Passkey Usability
From Schneier on Security

On Passkey Usability

Matt Burgess tries to only use passkeys. The results are mixed.

Friday Squid Blogging: A Penguin Named “Squid”
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: A Penguin Named “Squid”

Amusing story about a penguin named “Squid.” As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered. Read...

No, Toothbrushes Were Not Used in a Massive DDoS Attack
From Schneier on Security

No, Toothbrushes Were Not Used in a Massive DDoS Attack

The widely reported story last week that 1.5 million smart toothbrushes were hacked and used in a DDoS attack is false. Near as I can tell, a German reporter talking...

On Software Liabilities
From Schneier on Security

On Software Liabilities

Over on Lawfare, Jim Dempsey published a really interesting proposal for software liability: “Standard for Software Liability: Focus on the Product for Liability...

Teaching LLMs to Be Deceptive
From Schneier on Security

Teaching LLMs to Be Deceptive

Interesting research: “Sleeper Agents: Training Deceptive LLMs that Persist Through Safety Training“: Abstract: Humans are capable of strategically deceptive behavior...

Deepfake Fraud
From Schneier on Security

Deepfake Fraud

A deepfake video conference call—with everyone else on the call a fake—fooled a finance worker into sending $25M to the criminals’ account.

Friday Squid Blogging: Illex Squid in Argentina Waters
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Illex Squid in Argentina Waters

Argentina is reporting that there is a good population of illex squid in its waters ready for fishing, and is working to ensure that Chinese fishing boats don’t...

David Kahn
From Schneier on Security

David Kahn

David Kahn has died. His groundbreaking book, The Codebreakers was the first serious book I read about codebreaking, and one of the primary reasons I entered this...

A Self-Enforcing Protocol to Solve Gerrymandering
From Schneier on Security

A Self-Enforcing Protocol to Solve Gerrymandering

In 2009, I wrote: There are several ways two people can divide a piece of cake in half. One way is to find someone impartial to do it for them. This works, but...

New Images of Colossus Released
From Schneier on Security

New Images of Colossus Released

GCHQ has released new images of the WWII Colossus code-breaking computer, celebrating the machine’s eightieth anniversary (birthday?). News article.

NSA Buying Bulk Surveillance Data on Americans without a Warrant
From Schneier on Security

NSA Buying Bulk Surveillance Data on Americans without a Warrant

It finally admitted to buying bulk data on Americans from data brokers, in response to a query by Senator Weyden. This is almost certainly illegal, although the...

Microsoft Executives Hacked
From Schneier on Security

Microsoft Executives Hacked

Microsoft is reporting that a Russian intelligence agency—the same one responsible for SolarWinds—accessed the email system of the company’s executives. Beginning...

Friday Squid Blogging: Footage of Black-Eyed Squid Brooding Her Eggs
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Footage of Black-Eyed Squid Brooding Her Eggs

Amazing footage of a black-eyed squid (Gonatus onyx) carrying thousands of eggs. They tend to hang out about 6,200 feet below sea level. As usual, you can alsohere...

Chatbots and Human Conversation
From Schneier on Security

Chatbots and Human Conversation

For most of history, communicating with a computer has not been like communicating with a person. In their earliest years, computers required carefully constructed...

Quantum Computing Skeptics
From Schneier on Security

Quantum Computing Skeptics

Interesting article. I am also skeptical that we are going to see useful quantum computers anytime soon. Since at least 2019, I have been saying that this is hard...

Poisoning AI Models
From Schneier on Security

Poisoning AI Models

New research into poisoning AI models: The researchers first trained the AI models using supervised learning and then used additional “safety training” methods...

Side Channels Are Common
From Schneier on Security

Side Channels Are Common

Really interesting research: “Lend Me Your Ear: Passive Remote Physical Side Channels on PCs.” Abstract: We show that built-in sensors in commodity PCs, such as...

AI Bots on X (Twitter)
From Schneier on Security

AI Bots on X (Twitter)

You can find them by searching for OpenAI chatbot warning messages, like: “I’m sorry, I cannot provide a response as it goes against OpenAI’s use case policy.” I...

Friday Squid Blogging: New Foods from Squid Fins
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: New Foods from Squid Fins

We only eat about half of a squid, ignoring the fins. A group of researchers is working to change that. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about...

Zelle Is Using My Name and Voice without My Consent
From Schneier on Security

Zelle Is Using My Name and Voice without My Consent

Okay, so this is weird. Zelle has been using my name, and my voice, in audio podcast ads—without my permission. At least, I think it is without my permission. It...
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