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Autotune Code from ORNL Tunes Your Building Energy Efficiency
From insideHPC

Autotune Code from ORNL Tunes Your Building Energy Efficiency

A team at Oak Ridge has developed a set of automated calibration techniques for tuning residential and commercial building energy efficiency software models toAutotune...

XSEDE & UC Berkeley Offer Online Parallel Computing Course
From insideHPC

XSEDE & UC Berkeley Offer Online Parallel Computing Course

The XSEDE project and the University of California, Berkeley are offering an online course on parallel computing for graduate students and advanced undergraduates...

Five Reasons To Deploy Cicso UCS Infrastructure
From insideHPC

Five Reasons To Deploy Cicso UCS Infrastructure

Cisco UCS solutions allow for a faster and more optimized deployment of a computing infrastructure. This solution brief details how the Cisco UCS infrastructure...

Mellanox Shipping Spectrum Open Ethernet 25/50/100 Gigabit Switch
From insideHPC

Mellanox Shipping Spectrum Open Ethernet 25/50/100 Gigabit Switch

Today Mellanox announced that its Spectrum 10, 25, 40, 50 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet switches are now shipping. According to the company, Mellanox is the first vendor...

ISC 2016 Issues Call for Papers
From insideHPC

ISC 2016 Issues Call for Papers

The ISC High Performance conference has issued its Call for Papers. As Europe’s most renowned forum for high performance computing, ISC 2016 will take place June...

Peter ffoulkes Joins OrionX Consulting
From insideHPC

Peter ffoulkes Joins OrionX Consulting

Pioneering a new consulting services model for strategy, marketing, and PR, OrionX today announced the appointment of Peter ffoulkes as Partner based in San Francisco...

New Intel® Omni-Path White Paper Details Technology Improvements
From insideHPC

New Intel® Omni-Path White Paper Details Technology Improvements

The Intel Omni-Path Architecture (Intel® OPA) whitepaper goes through the multitude of improvements that Intel OPA technology provides to the HPC community. InNew...

Edison Supercomputer Creates 3D Map of Adolescent Universe
From insideHPC

Edison Supercomputer Creates 3D Map of Adolescent Universe

Scientists from the NERSC and Berkeley National Laboratory are using a supercomputer to create one of the most complete, three-dimensional maps of the adolescent...

Interactive Design Powers Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
From insideHPC

Interactive Design Powers Visual Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. The new R2D3 Blog offers an instructive Visual Introduction toInteractive...

GENCI to Collaborate with IBM in Race to Exascale
From insideHPC

GENCI to Collaborate with IBM in Race to Exascale

Today GENCI announced a collaboration with IBM aimed at speeding up the path to exascale computing. Created in 2007 by the French government, GENCI with the aim...

Accelerating Science with SciDB from NERSC
From insideHPC

Accelerating Science with SciDB from NERSC

Over at NERSC, Linda Vu writes that the SciDB open source database system is a powerful tool for helping scientists wrangle Big Data. "SciDB is an open source database...

From Grand Challenges to Critical Workflows
From insideHPC

From Grand Challenges to Critical Workflows

Geert Wenes writes in the Cray Blog that the next generation of Grand Challenges will focus on critical workflows for Exascale. "For every historical HPC grandFrom...

SDSC Gets One-year Extension for Gordon Supercomputer
From insideHPC

SDSC Gets One-year Extension for Gordon Supercomputer

The National Science Foundation has awarded the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) a one-year extension to continue operating its Gordon supercomputer, providing...

IBTA Publishes RoCE Interoperability List from Plugfest
From insideHPC

IBTA Publishes RoCE Interoperability List from Plugfest

Today the InfiniBand Trade Association (IBTA) announced the completion of the first Plugfest for RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) solutions and the publication...

KTH in Sweden Moves to EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand
From insideHPC

KTH in Sweden Moves to EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand

Today Mellanox announced its EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand solutions have been selected by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology for use in their PDC Center for High Performance...

Dell Opens Line of Business for Hyperscale Datacenters
From insideHPC

Dell Opens Line of Business for Hyperscale Datacenters

Today Dell announced a new business unit aligned around hyperscale datacenters. "The Datacenter Scalable Solutions (DSS) group is designed to meet the specificDell...

SUPER Project Aims at Efficient Supercomputing for Scientists
From insideHPC

SUPER Project Aims at Efficient Supercomputing for Scientists

"SUPER builds on past successes and now includes research into performance auto-tuning, energy efficiency, resilience, multi-objective optimization, and end-to-end...

Podcast: Supercomputing the Human Heart
From insideHPC

Podcast: Supercomputing the Human Heart

Over at TACC, Jorge Salazar writes that new supercomputer simulations are helping doctors improve the repair and replacement of heart valves. "New supercomputer...

Dolphin Demos 300ns Latency Across PCI Express at IDF
From insideHPC

Dolphin Demos 300ns Latency Across PCI Express at IDF

Today Norway's Dolphin Interconnect Solutions demonstrated record a low latency of 300 nanoseconds at IDF 2015. Dolphin achieved this record by adding Intel Xeon...

KAUST is the Latest Intel Parallel Computing Center
From insideHPC

KAUST is the Latest Intel Parallel Computing Center

KAUST in Saudi Arabia has been named as the latest Intel Parallel Computing Center. "The new PCC aims to provide scalable software kernels common to scientificKAUST...
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