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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: J'accuse!

An interactive graphical display monitor in a batch-processing environment with remote entry

A graphic monitor program is described. It was developed at Carnegie-Mellon University for the CDC G21 computer, which is a general purpose, batch-processing system with remote entry. The existing G21 system and the graphics  …

Synchronization in a parallel-accessed data base

The following problem is considered: Given a data base which can be manipulated simultaneously by more than one process, what are the rules for synchronization which will maximize the amount of parallel activity allowed. It is …

Performance monitoring in a time-sharing system

A software measurement facility which is part of a general purpose time-sharing system is described. The Data Collection Facility (DCF) has been implemented in the Michigan Terminal System (MTS) for the System/360 model 67. It …

A LISP garbage-collector for virtual-memory computer systems

A practical method for constructing LR (k) processors

A practical method for constructing LR(k) processors is developed. These processors are capable of recognizing and parsing an input during a single no-backup scan in a number of steps equal to the length of the input plus the …

Algorithm 359: factorial analysis of variance [G1]

Algorithm 360: shortest-path forest with topological ordering [H]

Algorithm 361: permanent function of a square matrix I and II [G6]

Algorithm 362: generation of random permutations [G6]

Algorithm 363: complex error function [S15]

Certification of algorithm 47 [S16]: associated Legendre functions of the first kind for real or imaginary arguments

Certification of algorithm 255 [C6]: computation of Fourier coefficients

Certification of algorithm 296 [E2]: generalized least squares fit by orthogonal polynomials

Remark on algorithm 178 [E4]: direct search

Remark on algorithm 178 [E4]: direct search

More on Fortran random number generators

APAREL—A parse-request language

APAREL is described: this language is an extension to an algorithmic language (PL/I) that provides the pattern-matching capabilities normally found only in special purpose languages such as SNOBOL4 and TMG. This capability is …