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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: government classification of private ideas

The effect of programming team structures on programming tasks

The literature recognizes two group structures for managing programming projects: Baker's chief programmer team and Weinberg's egoless team. Although each structure's success in project management can be demonstrated, this success …

Recommendations for master's level programs in computer science: a report of the ACM curriculum committee on computer science

The ACM Committee on Curriculum in Computer Science has spent two years investigating master's degree programs in Computer Science. This report contains the conclusions of that effort. Recommendations are made concerning the  …

Educational programs in information systems: a report of the ACM curriculum committee on information systems

This report describes the status of educational programs in Information Systems at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. levels. A survey was conducted during the period June 1977-June 1979 of schools of Business Administration, Departments …

Computer scientists whose scientific freedom and human rights have been violated: a report of the ACM committee on scientific freedom and human rights

This report had its genesis before the establishment in February 1980 of the Committee on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights (CSFHR). In 1978 Paul Armer, chairman of the Committee on Computers and Public Policy (CCPP), asked …

Parallel programs: proofs, principles, and practice

Several principles are identified from work on the verification of parallel programs. Concrete examples of the ways these principles can be applied, even when formal verification is not the goal, are then described. The purpose …

On approaches to the study of social issues in computing

This paper identifies and analyzes technical and nontechnical biases in research on social issues in computing. Five positions—technicism, progressive individualism, elitism, pluralism, and radical criticism—which reflect major …