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Let ACM Help You Find Your Next Job 'Online'

Careers page, CACM Web site


According to a Harris Interactive Poll of over 2,400 hiring managers and human resource professionals conducted in late 2010, recruiting in the information technology and technology sectors is expected to increase 26% and 19% over 2010 respectively. This is not only good news for the economy in general, but excellent news for our industry and ACM's membership specifically. But even though hiring and recruiting are on an upswing, finding the right position and the perfect match between candidates and employers is not an easy task.

There are literally hundreds of online resources posting jobs in the technology sector and academia with hundreds of thousands of candidates competing for those positions worldwide. However, for the most coveted jobs and for those organizations looking to hire the most experienced and talented employees, faculty, managers, and executives few online resources are more valuable than ACM's own Career and Job Center (, which is the engine driving the Careers section of CommunicationsWeb site.

This site provides basic, but well-organized career-oriented resources, such as the ability to post your résumé or vitae, the ability to search an active database of hundreds of open positions, and the ability to set up alerts and feeds of positions that fit your personalized criteria. Over the past three years, 1,500+ employers have posted more than 1,782 jobs on ACM's Job Board, nearly 14,000 ACM members have signed up to use the free service, and over 4,800 ACM members have posted their résumés in the secure database made available to employers. The site is among the most heavily trafficked of all ACM Web sites with over 72,000 unique visitors from over 181 countries using the site over the past year generating nearly 150,000 visits and 550,000 page views. Our users spend on average over three minutes on the site during each visit and the site attracts a significant amount of repeat business from many of the most respected employers from both academia and industry around the world. If you haven't already visited the site at, check it out! This is one of the most valuable benefits you have as an ACM member, and it just may prove a key resource as you take the next step in your career.

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