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Will the It Guy Learn to Love Apple?

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iPad, iPhone

Apple is pitching the iPad and iPhone as corporate productivity tools, and more and more companies are beginning to try them out.

Joshua Goldman / CNET

It's likely you've got an Apple product plugged into your ears when you're listening to music. Making a phone call? One out of every five people buying a smartphone are choosing an iPhone. And Apple's share of consumer laptop sales jumped to 10.6 percent in the last quarter.

Now here's the big question: Does your IT department, the guys who think it's just fine that you're still using a Windows XP laptop (and P.S., stop whining about it), give a hoot about all this Apple stuff?

Apple executives hope so. The pitch the company has been making in recent months is simple: Employees are already using plenty of Apple products on their own time and like them, and the iPad is a great, lightweight tool for Web-based corporate software. If you thought this was just lip service, Apple is even now working with the decidedly old-school consultants at Unisys to approach big corporate and government customers.

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