Intel researchers are working with football helmet manufacturers and several universities to develop technology that can monitor brain damage in real time and build helmets that minimize the risk of injury.
"Future technologies could include helmets with built-in Intel Atom chips that measure and feed real-time data to medical personnel," Intel says. "Using supercomputers . . . researchers are simulating collisions to study the impact on the brain, and use that information to design new football helmets that reduce the risk of short- and long-term injuries."
The researchers are working to simulate football hits and study their affect on the brain. The simulations use wireless transceivers and accelerometers to produce visualizations of stresses on the brain, and compare them with other impact data to determine if a serious injury has occurred. "When combined with impact simulation, this could better safeguard players by identifying potential injuries quickly so that medical personnel can respond faster and have information as soon as they reach the player on the field," Intel says.
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