Leah Buechley, director of the MIT Media Lab High-Low Tech research group, demonstrating electronomic textiles in the form of wallpaper. Buechley's work integrates high and low technology with the goal of engaging diverse groups in developing technologies
Credit: Leah Buechley / MIT
The U.S. National Science Foundation will host a Webcast on Tuesday (Dec. 7) at 12 noon EST featuring Georgia Tech's Amy Bruckman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Leah Buechley, and ACM's Cameron Wilson, as part of the federally sponsored Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek), which takes place Dec. 5-11. The Webcast will include demonstrations and suggestions on how to improve K-12 computer science education.
Georgia Tech students will help Bruckman describe GLITCH, a program that enlists high school boys to debug computer games in an effort to inspire them to pursue computer science. Meanwhile, Buechley will show how E-Textiles have encouraged young girls to learn computational skills.
The U.S. Congress created CSEdWeek to highlight the importance of computer science education and the need to improve technology education at the K-12 level.
From U.S. National Science Foundation
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