Christine Daniloff
The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January 2010 was abuzz about a slew of prototype 3D TVs, but if new research from the MIT Media Lab is any indication, holographic TVs could be close behind.
At the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers’ Practical Holography conference in San Francisco the weekend of Jan. 23, members of Michael Bove’s Object-Based Media Group presented a new system that can capture visual information using off-the-shelf electronics, send it over the Internet to a holographic display, and update the image at rates approaching those of feature films.
In November, researchers at the University of Arizona made headlines with an experimental holographic-video transmission system that used 16 cameras to capture data and whose display refreshed every two seconds. The new MIT system uses only one data-capture device—the new Kinect camera designed for Microsoft’s Xbox gaming system—and averages about 15 frames per second.
From MIT News Office
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