The SFMTA's Tom Quach, left, and Carl Cagaanan, installed a smart meter on Hayes Street in July. Sensors will transmit information about whether parking spaces are available.
Associated Press
Soon San Francisco drivers won't need to cruise endlessly in search of an available parking spot.
By the end of March, San Francisco will have replaced more than 5,000 old parking meters with state-of-the-art versions that take credit cards, and, if all goes according to plan, work with sensors to indicate when a car is there.
Other Bay Area cities such as Sausalito and Redwood City have already shifted away from coin-only machines to so-called smart parking meters that help make parking more convenient for drivers and easier to manage for the cities. San Francisco's $25 million project intends to go a step beyond the other early adopters, using the new meters to reduce car congestion on city streets.
From The Wall Street Journal
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