China topped the list of the most accomplished coders in a HackerRank compilation of the results of 1.4 million coding challenges by approximately 300,000 developers.
Credit: Catalysts
U.S. programmers landed in 28th place among their international peers in a HackerRank compilation of the results of 1.4 million coding challenges by approximately 300,000 developers.
China topped the list of the most accomplished coders, followed by Russia, Poland, Switzerland, and Hungary. The ranking found China's top coding category was algorithms, while Russia's was data structures.
A key factor in these nations' coding success is likely the introduction of math and computer education at a much earlier age than occurs in the U.S., says HackerRank CEO Vivek Ravisankar. "In my opinion, the U.S.'s position here mirrors a lot of the other world ranking reports, such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education performance, or even other international coding competitions," he says.
Last year's Pew Research Center analysis of STEM test scores found U.S. students were middle-of-the-pack underperformers compared to those in Singapore and South Korea. Moreover, this year's International Olympiad in Informatics was led by Chinese, Russian, and Eastern European contestants, while the highest-scoring U.S. coder came in 15th place.
The Chinese and Russians also scored victories at the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, and at Google Code Jam.
From The Washington Post
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