A new survey has found that people anticipate they will grow to like, and even trust, artificial intelligence.
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Most people expect artificial intelligence (AI) eventually will earn the trust and even affection of humans to the point that it will be relied on for users' well-being, according to an ARM-commissioned global survey.
More than 70% of respondents with a basic understanding of AI think humans ultimately will trust AI devices enough that they could fill in as elderly caretakers, while more than 60% believe humans will love AI as they would a pet by 2050.
More natural human-AI interactions also are expected, with a majority of global consumers citing the importance of AI having natural-language communication abilities.
More than half of respondents reported interest in using AI as personal companions or assistants, while regional attitudes to AI tend to vary, with significantly more Asian than European respondents optimistic about the technology's societal impact.
However, 30% of respondents cited a reduction in human employment opportunities as a possible negative consequence.
From ZDNet
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