Startups, government agencies, and academics are working to develop a method to combat doctored videos and photographs.
Credit: Wall Street Journal
As fears grow that deepfakes will be used to sow discord ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, startups, government agencies, and academics are working to develop a method to combat doctored videos and photographs.
This is a difficult problem to solve because the technology needed to manipulate images is advancing quickly and getting easier to use.
In addition, the ubiquity of smartphones equipped with cameras and the ever-increasing popularity of social media has turned individuals into broadcasters, leaving companies that run
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those platforms unsure how to regulate them.
Said Matt Turek, who runs the media forensics program in the Defense Department's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, "I don't think there's one silver bullet algorithm or even technical solution. There probably needs to be a holistic approach."
From The Wall Street Journal
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