Facebook is working with academia to develop a non-invasive technique to type words onto a computer directly from a user's brain.
credit: www.learning-mind.com
Facebook is collaborating with academia to develop a non-invasive technique to type words onto a computer directly from a user's brain.
The social network has underwritten work by University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) researchers on whether electrodes implanted in the brain could help "decode" neural speech from brainwaves in real time.
The research demonstrated that a word or phrase spoken by epileptic participants was instantly visible as text on a computer screen, by examining neural activity.
The researchers used speech-decoding algorithms, which were up to 61% accurate in determining which of 24 standard responses a participant had spoken.
Another Facebook-funded UCSF protect will attempt to use brain activity to help a person who cannot speak to communicate, in the hope of revealing which brain signals are essential for a future wearable device.
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