New systems can detect nuances in the human voice that offer clues to one's location, medical condition, and even physical features.
Technology can detect nuances in the human voice that offer clues to a person's likely location, medical conditions, and even physical features.
For example, voice-biometric and recognition software used by Nuance Communications examines factors like the pitch, rhythm, and dialect of speech, as well as vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, to detect the gender, age, and linguistic background of callers and whether a voice is synthetic or recorded.
It helped one bank determine that a single person was responsible for tens of millions of dollars of theft.
Winterlight Labs, meanwhile, parses features in speech and works with Janssen Pharmaceuticals to try to detect Alzheimer's in older patients who, for example, tend to use words they acquired earlier in life as their recent memories deteriorate.
From The Wall Street Journal
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