Redefine Meat produces animal-free meat with the appearance, texture and flavour of whole muscle meat.
Credit: Redefine Meat
Israeli and Spanish companies are offering three-dimensionally (3D)-printed meat products synthesized from plant protein. Israeli firm Redefine Meat will pilot its plant-based meat in European eateries early next year.
Spain's Novameat aims to have its plant-based printers in Spanish, Italian, and U.K. restaurants in the next year, in supermarkets in 2021, and in residences a year or two later. Novameat's printers receive pea and rice proteins via capsules, which they combine with a red paste to create realistic steak or chicken. Said Emma Lake of U.K. food-industry publication The Caterer, "The potential market for 3D-printed meat could be substantial; we've already seen dramatic growth in vegan meat imitations in response to more consumers cutting down on their consumption of animal products for environmental and health reasons."
From The Guardian
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