Abdulrasheed Agunbiade, a student in the cybersecurity class at Per Scholas in the Bronx.
Credit: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
A study by the nonprofit research group Center for an Urban Future offers hope for New York City employees who lack the training to qualify for upcoming technology jobs.
The study cites the Bronx, NY-based Per Scholas nonprofit as an example to follow; it offers free tech training to mostly minority students in areas like cybersecurity, cloud computing, and software and data engineering.
The researchers found most local training efforts only build entry-level skills in digital literacy or basic computing. Per Scholas partners with companies like the Cognizant tech services firm, training graduates to work for those partners through specially tailored courses.
Some Per Scholas graduates work at tech companies like Google and Amazon, but many more find work with employers like Barclays, Bloomberg, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
From The New York Times
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