University of Sydney researchers are working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to process, analyze, and categorize genomic data to protect endangered animals.
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University of Sydney researchers in Australia have been partnering with Amazon Web Services (AWS) since last year on using cloud-based services to process, analyze, and categorize genomic data to protect endangered animals.
The team performed a genetic assessment of the rare Tasmanian devil to determine which animals could be moved to Maria Island, off mainland Tasmania’s coast, and later to identify which could be brought back to improve the genetic makeup of diseased animals on the mainland.
Using the cloud, the team was able to analyze and process the data from more than 50 data pipelines within 12 weeks.
Said the university's Carolyn Hogg, "The thing that AWS gives us is the ability to scale the size of the machine quite rapidly to the size of the data that we have."
From Computer Weekly
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