A team from Australia won the unofficial AI Eurovision Song Contest, which challenged contestants to write a song using artificial intelligence.
Credit: VPro
A team from Australia won the unofficial AI ‘Eurovision Song Contest’, named for an annual international song competition cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The event challenged contestants to write a song using artificial intelligence (AI).
Australia's Uncanny Valley team—made up of computer scientists, math, and social-anthropology researchers, as well as music producers—defeated 12 other teams with its song "Beautiful the World."
The song had a melody and lyrics written by an AI system that was trained with audio samples of koalas, kookaburras, and Tasmanian devils.
A panel of AI experts rating the entries said, "Composing a song with AI is hard because you have all the creative challenges that come with song-writing, but you also have to juggle getting the machine learning right. The teams not only pushed the boundaries of their personal creativity, but also gave the audience a look into the exciting future of human-AI musical collaboration."
From BBC News
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