Electric automaker Tesla is upgrading a number of its vehicles in use via a software update to enable the cars to steer better and accelerate without human control.
Credit: Salwan Georges/The Washington Post
Electric automaker Tesla has selected a number of owners of its vehicles to have a software update download automatically into those vehicles to enable the cars to steer better and accelerate without human control.
Critics are troubled by the absence of LiDAR sensors, a safety feature used by most self-driving car makers, from Tesla's system, which instead uses a suite of cameras and radar linked to an advanced neural network.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk said the new software will better capture the exterior view of the vehicle and more seamlessly integrate collected footage to create a multidimensional perspective; safety experts disagree, warning the system cannot always perceive the true shape or depth of obstacles.
The Partners for Automated Vehicle Education campaign said, "Public road testing is a serious responsibility and using untrained consumers to validate beta-level software on public roads is dangerous and inconsistent with existing guidance and industry norms."
From The Washington Post
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