Researchers at IBM have found that developers with knowledge of open source technologies underpinning the cloud have better career prospects than those that do not.
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New IBM research revealed that developers with skills in creating open source cloud technologies are more likely than other job candidates to receive a call-back.
A survey of more than 3,400 developers and technology managers commissioned by IBM found that more than 67% of respondents preferred skills related to open source cloud technologies, while only 36% preferred skills related to a specific cloud platform.
Open source software skills also were rated equal or better to proprietary software by 94% of respondents, and 54% of developers polled said their professional growth is limited by learning skills specific to a single cloud provider.
These findings follow a study by the Linux Foundation, which indicated that professionals with knowledge of open cloud technologies are 70% more likely to be hired and that 93% of respondents find it difficult to identify sufficient talent with open source skills.
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