Domino's has started delivering its wares to select customers in Houston's Woodland Heights neighborhood via fully autonomous vehicles from robotics company Nuro.
Credit: Domino's
Pizza chain Domino's has launched a robot car pizza delivery service to select customers in Houston's Woodland Heights neighborhood, with fully autonomous vehicles from robotics company Nuro transporting orders to opt-in customers.
Customers can select robot delivery and receive texts with updates on the vehicle's location, and a numerical code for retrieving the order.
Upon arrival, the customer enters the code on the bot's touchscreen, and the vehicle’s doors open to permit the removal of ordered food.
Domino's said Nuro's robot car was the first fully autonomous, human-free on-road delivery vehicle to be cleared for operation by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Domino's Dennis Maloney said, "This program will allow us to better understand how customers respond to the deliveries, how they interact with the robot, and how it affects store operations."
From CNN Business
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