Andrew Yao Chi-chih was awarded the Kyoto Prize for his contributions to computer science and their influence on issues such as secure computing and big data processing.
Credit: Weibo
Japan's Inamori Foundation named Chinese computer scientist Andrew Yao Chi-chih recipient of the international Kyoto Prize in advanced technology for "essential concepts and models that play a vital role in modern society."
In 1982, Yao introduced the concept of secure multiparty computation (MPC), which facilitates computation on encrypted values.
Said Yao, "If you use MPC, it's possible to have multiple databases do any joint computations without leaking its own data."
Yao said MPC theory has advanced significantly in the last four decades, with ramifications for financial technology, data training, and drug discovery.
The Inamori Foundation lauded Yao's quantum communication complexity concept for enabling "quantitative performance evaluation of quantum computing. These achievements have a great impact and ripple effect on the information science field."
From South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)
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