The study shows yet another benefit of allowing another person to peer deeply into your eyes, even if it's just your eye doctor.
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An international study suggests the eye's retina could determine a person's true biological age.
The study's authors used a deep learning model to analyze over 130,000 color images of retinas taken from U.K. participants, and to measure a "retinal age gap" between actual biological health of the eye and the subjects' age.
They estimated a 2% increase in all-cause mortality for each year of difference between actual age and older biological age identified in the eye.
Three-, five-, and 10-year gaps between actual and biological age measured in the retina also were associated with an up to 67% higher risk of death from specific diseases.
The researchers wrote, "Our novel findings have determined that the retinal age gap is an independent predictor of increased mortality risk, especially of non-cardiovascular disease and non-cancer mortality."
From CNN Health
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