The step tracker is tamper-proof, and Stellapps says it could help insurers identify and monitor cows.
Credit: CNN
India's Stellapps Technologies has come up with what CEO Ranjith Mukundan describes as "a device which is like a Fitbit for cattle."
Stellapps combines information from the "mooON" step tracker device, which is strapped to a cow's leg, with data that farmers and veterinarians enter into a smartphone app.
The company's technology currently is used by nearly 3 million dairy farmers across 36,000 villages in India, according to Mukundan, who says by tracking and better managing their animals, farmers can increase milk yields.
Stellapps also measures the volume of milk brought to collection points with a digital scale, and transfers payments directly to farmers' bank accounts via its "mooPay" platform.
From CNN Business
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