Using a Computed Tomograph scan that showed the construction of the baby’s heart chambers, the surgeons printed a three-dimensional model of her heart that not only highlighted a further problem they hadn’t been aware of, but allowed the surgi
Credit: University Hospital Southampton (U.K.)
U.K. surgeons saved the life of a baby girl with a rare heart condition using a three-dimensionally (3D)-printed model of her heart.
The team at University Hospital Southampton (UHS) based the model of Pippa Fulton's heart on a computed tomography scan, which incorporated her multiple heart defects and allowed the surgeons to rehearse the surgical procedure before performing it.
UHS cardiac surgeon Nicola Viola said, "In any major surgery like this, there is always the risk of serious complications, and making the 3D model of the heart gave us the chance to better understand and practice the procedure."
The successful operation allowed the infant to go home after spending her first six months of life in the hospital.
From University Hospital Southampton (U.K.)
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