Clockwork's fingernail-painting robot takes pictures of each fingernail then pipes polish onto the nail, leaving no brush lines.
Credit: Jesse Meria/Clockwork
Retail giant Target has deployed fingernail-painting robots manufactured by the Clockwork company at three stores in California and Minnesota, as part of a test to see how shoppers respond to it.
Customers slide a hand into the machine, where two cameras shoot about 100 pictures of each nail.
Clockwork's Renuka Apte said those images are combined into a three-dimensional point cloud showing the shape of the nail, which the system uses to find the nail's edge.
Algorithms then determine the appropriate movement and speed of the pipette to apply polish to the nail.
Kelsie Marian at market research firm Gartner said long-term experiments by retailers have made consumers more comfortable with robots' presence in stores.
From CNN Business
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