Said Radboud University professor Güneş Acar, "We thought maybe we were going to find a few hundred websites where your email is collected before you submit, but this exceeded our expectations by far.”
Credit: Ars Technica
Researchers at Belgium's Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Radboud University in the Netherlands, and Switzerland's University of Lausanne analyzed the top 100,000 websites and found a significant number record some or all of visitors' typewritten data.
The researchers estimated 1,844 sites gathered a European Union user's email address without consent, while 2,950 logged a U.S. user's email.
Many sites incorporate third-party marketing and analytics services that perform data-logging.
After crawling sites for password leaks last May, the researchers found 52 sites in which third parties, including Russian technology company Yandex, were incidentally collecting password data prior to submission.
From Ars Technica
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