All 50 states have taken some action to broaden access to computer science, a signal that the move has bipartisan support, according to the letter.
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A July 12 letter to governors and top education officials in all 50 states, signed by over 500 businesses, nonprofits, and education organizations, calls for every K-12 student to be given access to computer science education.
Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet were among the signatories, along with companies like American Express, Nike, Starbucks, UPS, and Walgreens. reports that only about a dozen of the 27 states with policies granting access to high school students aim to give all K-12 students access.'s Hadi Partovi said it is important that big companies not thought of as tech companies support the effort.
Said Partovi, "It helps people realize that this is about every industry, that every company is becoming a technology company and every company is suffering with the lack of preparation that our schools are giving to our students."
From Education Week
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