The buoy’s LIDO technology can identify and classify four of the whale species found in the Corcovado Gulf from their song; humpbacks, blue whales, right whales, and sei whales.
Credit: Carlos Echavarria/MERI Foundation
Researchers at Spain's Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics have developed Listen to the Deep Ocean Environment (LIDO) software to prevent whale deaths caused by underwater noise pollution interfering with their echolocation.
LIDO monitors submarine acoustic sources in real time and identifies them using artificial intelligence.
Next month, the researchers will drop a LIDO-equipped buoy into the Gulf of Corcovado off the Chilean coast, where whale and ship activity are high.
The software will be able to detect whales within at least a 10-kilometer (6.2-mile) radius and alert Chile's navy, which will advise nearby vessels to change course or reduce speed to avoid the aquatic mammals.
A network of LIDO buoys is planned for deployment, which Sonia Español-Jiménez with Chile's MERI Foundation said aims to ensure safe passage for migrating whales and other marine species.
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