There is power in cough information, and the ubiquity of cellphones and wearables with recording devices mean that apps can increasingly capture and analyze that data.
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Hyfe AI's database of over 700 million cough samples could be used to improve disease diagnosis and treatment.
Hyfe AI's Peter Small said, "There is a tremendous value in simply empowering patients and doctors with this information. It's going to transform the whole clinical approach for this common and chronic symptom."
The Hyfe AI CoughTracker app can track the number of times a user coughs, and a wrist wearable that uses the Cough Monitor algorithm can distinguish cough sounds from background noise and track cough frequency.
Meanwhile, Google Health researchers aim to use cough monitoring to inform people about the health impacts of environmental factors and increases in the number of coughers in their location, which could indicate a rise in infectious diseases.
From Time
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