Said Stephen Brewster of the University of Glasgow’s School of Computing Science, “Cars and bikes share the same spaces on the roads, which can be dangerous – between 2015 and 2020, 84% of fatal bike accidents involved a motor vehicle."
A study of communications between drivers and cyclists by researchers at the U.K.'s University of Glasgow suggests new autonomous vehicle (AV) systems must be able to replicate those social interactions to ensure safety on the road.
The researchers said integrated displays on the exterior of AVs, or traffic-light-colored LEDs on the edges of the vehicles, could help indicate their intentions, while cyclists could wear smart glasses that allow direct communications from AVs in the form of vibrations.
The researchers found cyclists rely on road signs and traffic signals in controlled intersections, but look at cars to assess drivers' intentions in roundabouts, uncontrolled intersections, and construction areas.
From University of Glasgow (U.K.)
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