No instances of digital interference are known to have affected the counting of the 2022 midterm vote after a tense Election Day in which officials closely monitored domestic and foreign threats.
Credit: Carlos Barria/Reuters
A two-year-old report unsealed this week as part of a lawsuit in Georgia indicates state election officials will not update flawed voting software until after 2024, claiming it is safe despite federal recommendations for upgrades.
The report highlights vulnerabilities for certain Dominion Voting machines previously confirmed by federal cybersecurity officials.
Georgia election officials say it is highly improbable malefactors will exploit the flaws, and they have already followed some security recommendations without updating the software.
Report author Alex Halderman at the University of Michigan warned not correcting the flaws until 2025 is "worse than doing nothing, since it puts would-be adversaries on notice that the state will conduct the presidential election with this particular version of software with known vulnerabilities, giving them nearly 18 months to prepare and deploy attacks."
From CNN
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