Changes in the brain’s complex fluid flow system are linked to neurological conditions including Alzheimer’s, small vessel disease, strokes, and traumatic brain injuries.
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A team of scientists led by the University of Rochester's Douglas Kelley created new artificial intelligence-based velocimetry measurements to quantify the flow of fluids around cerebral blood vessels in the brain.
The researchers produced high-resolution visualizations of fluid flow in perivascular spaces by combining data from two-dimensional studies with physics-informed neural networks.
Explained Kelley, "This is a way to reveal pressures, forces, and the three-dimensional flow rate with much more accuracy than we can otherwise do. The pressure is important because nobody knows for sure quite what pumping mechanism drives all these flows around the brain yet. This is a new field."
The researchers think insights stemming from the AI technique could have implications for designing treatments for diseases like Alzheimer's.
From University of Rochester News Center
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