The wearable skin sensor that can wirelessly detect the presence of CRP in human sweat.
Credit: Caltech News
A multi-institutional team of researchers led by California Institute of Technology (Caltech) scientists created a wearable skin sensor that can detect the C-reactive protein (CRP) inflammation biomarker in perspiration.
The researchers built the sensor atop laser-engraved graphene containing antibody-infused pores that bind to CRP and electric current-generating redox molecules.
Also embedded in the sensor are gold nanoparticles impregnated with CRP-identifying detector antibodies.
CRP in sweat attaches to the nanoparticles and the graphene-borne antibodies, inducing a current in the redox molecule that detector antibodies in each nanoparticle amplify, according to Caltech's Wei Gao.
The sensor also can quantify perspiration's ionic levels, pH, and skin temperature.
From Caltech News
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