The team envisions their system as a powerful platform for developing a deeper understanding of anyons, which have very different properties from particles like electrons.
Credit: Eric Anderson
A team of researchers in the U.S., China, and Japan has taken a step toward building a fault-tolerant quantum bit (qubit) by detecting signatures of "fractional quantum anomalous Hall" (FQAH) states using semiconductor-material flakes.
FQAH states, unlike fractional quantum Hall states, do not require massive magnetic fields to maintain stability.
The researchers created an artificial "honeycomb lattice" for electrons by stacking two atomically thin flakes of molybdenum ditelluride at mutual "twist" angles relative to one another.
They induced magnetism by cooling the stacked flakes to a few degrees above absolute zero Fahrenheit, then detected the FQAH state signatures using laser probes.
FQAH states can host quasiparticles called anyons, which can be harnessed to produce "topologically protected" qubits immune to local disturbances.
From University of Washington News
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