The World Health Organization estimates pharmacies' use of the tracker could improve medication adherence, prevent intensified medical conditions, and reduce deaths due to forgetting to take a prescribed drug or misusing it.
Credit: Archishma Marrapu
U.S. pharmacy chain CVS is among those interested in a pill-tracking device created by Virginia-based high school student Archishma Marrapu.
Her Project Pill Tracker includes three-dimensionally-printed prescription bottles outfitted with ultrasonic sensors to monitor the pills dispensed, a mobile application to detect skipped doses and misuse via pattern analysis, and the ChatGPT chatbot to supply information to users.
The bottles feature light-emitting diodes and buzzers that go off when it is time to take pills; the app allows users to scan bar codes and autofill usage information about the prescription, and gives users reminders on their phone.
The World Health Organization suggests Marrapu's tracker could enable pharmacies to improve medication compliance, prevent worsening medical conditions, and reduce fatalities attributed to skipped or misused drugs.
From IEEE Spectrum
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