Credit: NASA
Milestones by five NASA research centers in the fields of science, engineering, and technology will be showcased at the ACM-sponsored SC09 supercomputing conference, which takes place Nov. 14-20, in Portland, Oregon. More than 45 demonstrations will be exhibited, including how NASA is tapping supercomputing resources to better model and comprehend how regional weather events are shaped by global forces.
To accommodate the growing need for computational power and Earth science research, the high-end computing systems at the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division and the NASA Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) have recently been enhanced. NAS added 9,216 cores to its Pleiades supercomputing cluster, while NCCS expanded its Discover system with another 8,192 cores. "Discover's faster processors enable more accurate and timely projections of changes in the Earth's environment," says NCCS project manager Phil Webster. "In support of climate science, Discover has been used to complete a re-analysis of 30 years of satellite observing system data to reconstruct a more accurate picture of the Earth's climate and weather — NASA's most ambitious re-analysis to date."
NAS' Rupak Biswas says the simulations generated on the supercomputers, when coupled with satellite observations and experimental data, support NASA's science, aeronautics, exploration, and space operations missions. The environment and sustainability are the themes of SC09, and NASA's Greenspace Initiative supports environmental efforts in the fields of aviation, global prediction monitoring and response, clean energy, and sustainable systems.
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